Route 606 Loudoun County Parkway and Old Ox Road Reconstruction and Widening

  • Route 606 Loudoun County Parkway and Old Ox Road Reconstruction and Widening

This $119 million-dollar project included the widening of rural Route 606 from a two-lane road to four lanes with a median between Evergreen Mills and the Dulles Greenway which provided significant access and capacity improvements for commuters heading to areas such as Ashburn, Sterling and Herndon, and Dulles International Airport. The project also included a new signalized intersection at Old Ox Road and Commerce Center Court, two (2) new bridges, improvements to the Horsepen Creek Dam, more than five miles of shared-use path along Route 606 (Old Ox Road) for cyclists and pedestrians, a new, signalized intersection at Loudoun County Parkway and Old Ox Road and a new mile-long section of the Parkway to the south and about 800 feet to the north. VDOT, Loudoun County and Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) jointly funded the Old Ox Road widening and reconstruction, with MWAA contributing about 24 acres of land for the improvements. The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) also provided $11.5 million toward improvements for the Loudoun County Parkway corridor. This project was an important part of traffic management and improvement plans around Dulles International Airport. It provides additional traffic capacity needed for the continuing development of the corridor, and the connecting roadways including Route 50, the Dulles Greenway and Route 28 all of which continue to see substantial increases in traffic volume. Further, the expansion of Metrorail’s Silverline along the Dulles Toll Road and Dulles Greenway corridor will place additional capacity demands on the roadway for motorists attempting to access alternate modes of transportation.

Quinn provided Quality Assurance Services for this project including a Quality Assurance Manager (QAM), Senior Inspectors, Materials Book/Documentation Specialist, Inspectors and Lab Support. The Quinn Team worked closely with the Contractor, the Quality Control (QC) team and various stakeholders to help make this project a success. Unique responsibilities on this project included coordination with representatives from the NVTA, MWAA and Loudoun County in addition to VDOT; Dam widening inspection, Airport property security requirements and road closure restrictions due to limited detour options. Other responsibilities included preparing and delivering preparatory inspection meetings; preparing detailed daily QA inspection reports; reviewing daily QC inspection reports; attending weekly Project Meetings to discuss progress, issues and upcoming work; comparing the QA and QC materials test results to ensure that they were within the tolerances established by VDOTs Minimum Standards for QA/QC on Design-Build and P3 Projects; maintaining project files and the materials notebook; reviewing and confirming that MOT and environmental documentation was completed as required; verifying that construction was in compliance VDOT’s Road and Bridge Standards, Specifications, contract documents, plans, special provisions, the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual, the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other applicable documents; and that all construction deficiencies, non-compliant construction, and punch-list items were clearly documented and tracked through resolution/completion.


This $119 million-dollar project included the widening of rural Route 606 from a two-lane road to four lanes with a median between Evergreen Mills and the Dulles Greenway which provided significant access and capacity improvements for commuters heading to areas such as Ashburn, Sterling and Herndon, and Dulles International Airport.


Virginia Department of Transportation


Design Build


• Quality Assurance Services
• Full-Time Construction Inspection
• Materials Notebook
• Project Documentation
• Stakeholder Communication
• Maintenance of Traffic Monitoring
• Daily Reporting
• Weekly Project Meetings
• Environmental Compliance