Marine Facility Construction Management & Inspection

  • Marine Facility Construction Management & Inspection

As a prime consultant to the Virginia Port Authority (VPA), Quinn has provided construction phase services on the VPA facilities located at the Norfolk International Terminal (NIT), the Portsmouth Marine Terminal (PMT), the Virginia International Gateway (VIG), and the Craney Island Expansion.  Projects have included the installation of cross dikes at Craney Island, oyster mitigation, electrical improvements, and other Port improvements.

Quinn provided both electrical and marine inspectors who covered multiple projects simultaneously at the various facilities.

Under three consecutive task order contracts, Quinn provided construction management and inspection services for shipping terminal projects in the Hampton Roads Port areas.  Quinn was responsible for providing fully qualified field operations personnel for each assignment over a 15-year period; and for cost management, invoicing and budget planning associated with projected work and funding allocations.


As a prime consultant to the Virginia Port Authority (VPA), Quinn has provided construction phase services on the VPA facilities located at the Norfolk International Terminal (NIT), the Portsmouth Marine Terminal (PMT), the Virginia International Gateway (VIG), and the Craney Island Expansion. Projects have included the installation of cross dikes at Craney Island, oyster mitigation, electrical improvements, and other Port improvements.


Virginia Port Authority


Marine Facility Construction


• Full-time construction inspection & construction management for shipping terminal projects
• Provided electrical & marine inspectors for multiple projects simultaneously at various facilities
• Cost management, invoicing & budget planning associated with projected work & funding allocations